Saturday, December 27, 2008

Why So Long ?

How I wish Heath Ledger could have used this as his punch line in The Dark Knight instead of ‘Why so serious?' It would have been so apt for my “re-incarnation” as a blogger . Before you all ask me this question, let me ask myself. After all , this blog is about me and myself !!

Why so long? Why now? Why again? Why ,after all , when I have forgotten even the username and password of the earlier blog space ? Well.. all these questions have only one simple answer – I am back . Yes !!,After several hundreds of mails asking me why I don’t blog anymore . My guess is that I lost interest in putting my thoughts in words when I was more comfortable singing them!! And another reason might be that I ran out of topics after the dramatic "SGC in politics" post way back in 2006 ..

(anyone who wants to view the old blog of mine - click here )

No No ... Don’t imagine that my life hasn’t had any dramatic events since that .. There have been plenty but I didn’t make enough time to put that into my blog .. Time is what we create – I said that to someone last week . Kinda liked it !!

So here I am again . . right in the midst of the December Music season . Technically this should be the very end of the season , being the last week of December but thanks to so many sabhas in Chennai , I still have a long way to go ( pun intended ) . I guess the "re entry" post should be something based on the December season only . I shall come back with that very soon ....

So till then do visit the fully revamped site of mine . I have added some more photos , sounds and videos to it and heres


With affection

Sikkil Gurucharan