Saturday, December 27, 2008

Why So Long ?

How I wish Heath Ledger could have used this as his punch line in The Dark Knight instead of ‘Why so serious?' It would have been so apt for my “re-incarnation” as a blogger . Before you all ask me this question, let me ask myself. After all , this blog is about me and myself !!

Why so long? Why now? Why again? Why ,after all , when I have forgotten even the username and password of the earlier blog space ? Well.. all these questions have only one simple answer – I am back . Yes !!,After several hundreds of mails asking me why I don’t blog anymore . My guess is that I lost interest in putting my thoughts in words when I was more comfortable singing them!! And another reason might be that I ran out of topics after the dramatic "SGC in politics" post way back in 2006 ..

(anyone who wants to view the old blog of mine - click here )

No No ... Don’t imagine that my life hasn’t had any dramatic events since that .. There have been plenty but I didn’t make enough time to put that into my blog .. Time is what we create – I said that to someone last week . Kinda liked it !!

So here I am again . . right in the midst of the December Music season . Technically this should be the very end of the season , being the last week of December but thanks to so many sabhas in Chennai , I still have a long way to go ( pun intended ) . I guess the "re entry" post should be something based on the December season only . I shall come back with that very soon ....

So till then do visit the fully revamped site of mine . I have added some more photos , sounds and videos to it and heres


With affection

Sikkil Gurucharan


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wrote something and then realized that it made no grammatical sense.

    Anyway, I just said - I am honoured to be the first to comment on your blog.

    Great site and beautiful thoughts. But since I get to hear you "singing your thoughts" at close quarters most of the time, I am eagerly waiting for the unsung thoughts to be published here.

    All the very best, my dear friend. Look forward to the new innings.

  3. Don't know if you'll get to read this, but I just had to tell you that my wife and I are, after a lapse of three days, still savoring the aftertaste of that wonderful carnatic treat you gave us at the Shantanand Auditorium / TFA Kuala Lumpur. As I had mentioned in my brief 'request note' to you, your collaboration with Anil has certainly struck a new chord among many of us who see this as a remarkable way to re-sensitize listeners to the nuances of shastriya sangeetham. Thank you once again. God Bless.
    Vasu Subrahmanyam.Ratna Jagadish
